School Basketball Court
Warrenton, NC

Warren County High School is a Career and Technical Education academy (CTE) located in northern North Carolina.
Prior to the start of the 2021-2022 basketball season at Warren County High School, Dr. Keith Sutton, the superintendent of Warren County Schools, wanted to provide an additional layer of protection for the students and fans to help fight the spread of SARS-CoV-2 virus. We deployed four Aura Storm air purifiers in each corner to maximize its effectiveness. The air purifiers would be used during the physical education classes as well as during home sporting events such as basketball.

With As we approached the start of the basketball season, we were looking to any additional options to keep people safe. Invictus Sterilization provides the highest performance with their medical-grade air purifiers, the Aura Storm. We know that although the use of masks is still required, the cheers and excitement of sports make it harder to be safe indoors.
The safety of the students and fans is of utmost importance, and these air purifiers help deliver that to Warren County.
-Dr. Keith Sutton, Superintendent
Warren County School District